Cam, 90 Degree Bend, Control Panel Locks
Speaker Cover
Coin Return Cup
Side Decal
Front Decal
Chrome Coin Entry
Score/Tickets Faceplate
Playfield Faceplate With Graphics (Rear)
Playfield Faceplate With Graphics (Front, Has Hole in it)
Coin Funnel
Marquee Light Bulb
Interlock, Door Switch
Power Supply Update Kit
Coin Return Plunger With Spring
Low Ticket Switch
Hinge to Hold Control Panel Wood Pieces together
Cash Box
Plastic Ticket Dispenser Cover
"How to Play" Front Control Panel Plexi (Seidel Version)
Ticket Display Board
Side Window
"How to Play" Front Control Panel Plexi (Bay Tek Version)
Coin Mech Slide Assembly (Without Mech)
Left Plastic Side of Wheel *CALL FOR AVAILABILITY*
Right Plastic Side of Wheel (With Tab) *CALL FOR AVAILABILITY*
New Yellow #50 Wheel Face (2 Per Game) *CALL FOR AVAILABILITY*
New Red #8 Wheel Face (2 Per Game) *CALL FOR AVAILABILITY*
New Green #10 Wheel Face (1 Per Game) (Lg) *CALL FOR AVAILABILITY*
New Blue #12 Wheel Face (2 Per Game) (Sm) *CALL FOR AVAILABILITY*
New Red #5 Wheel Face (2 Per Game) *CALL FOR AVAILABILITY*
New Green #15 Wheel Face (1 Per Game) (Sm) *CALL FOR AVAILABILITY*
New Blue #10 Wheel Face (1 Per Game) (Lg) *CALL FOR AVAILABILITY*
Mounting Bracket for Coin Cup *CALL FOR AVAILABILITY*
Posts for Wheel
Anti Coin Blue Triangle *CALL FOR AVAILABILITY*
Bonus Decal
Arrow Decal
Set of Number Decals for Wheel
Diode Infrared Detectors
2" Silver Tape Piece
Coin Cup Emitter Board
Coin Cup Detector Board
Motor With Pulley's, Both Versions
Wheel Sensor (Cable) *CALL FOR AVAILABILITY*
Small Black Kevlar Belt
Bearing For Wheel Shaft
Small Pulley on Motor
Large Pulley on Wheel
Shaft for Wheel (1/4" X 6")
Filter Board (Drives Motor)
Phone Cable for Motor
Wheel Belt (Very Thick) *CALL FOR AVAILABILITY*
Bronze Bearing (3/8" X 1/2")
Pulley, 10 Tooth Timing, 1 per, New Version
White Coin Belt
16" Chase Light Set W/Jumper & Conn Board (Both Versions)
Cooling Fan
Green Drive Belt
Upper Belt Drive Bracket (Spring Version)
Upper & Lower Belt Drive Bracket (Old Style With Gap)
Black Plastic Non-Static Bushings
Lube for Belt
Pulley That Comes off the White Belt
Pulley That Drive off Motor
Shaft for Belt (6 1/4" X 1/4") Closer to Player
Shaft for Belt (4 3/4" X 1/4") Farther From Player
Rollers Under the White Belt (4 Per Game)
Spring that goes between A5BK5027 & A5BK5028
Static Brush For Grounding (Seidel) **CALL FOR AVAILABILITY**
Repair Kit
Thick Cogged Black Belt
Whole Bracket for White Belt (New)
Bronze Bearings
Mounting Bracket for Motor
New Fuse For Conveyor (Middle Version)
New Fuse for Conveyor
Belt Guard for AC Motor
Large Pulley for Conveyor (Middle or New Version)
Small Pulley for Motor (If They Have Small Motor)
Large Pulley for Conveyor (220 Volt Version)
Back Shaft With White Roller (Farther From The Player)
Static Brush For Grounding (Bay Tek) **CALL FOR AVAILABILITY**
Motor Upgrade Kit - Goes on Middle & New Verion (Replaces A5MO5022)
Repair Kit, Black Belt, White Belt,4 Bushings,2 Rollers